30 May 2007


The Gehry inspired warehouse and showroom model was built with cardboard and balsa wood. The cuved section of the steel columns was cut first and the webs added at a later stage.

Gehry uses layers of corrugated walling topped with plywood prior to finishing with his trademark metallic skin of stainless steel or titanium. This layering has been represented in the model.
The curved columns are separate but braced from the main portal frame structure. Each column is well braced with 100mm equal angles formed in a cross.

1 comment:

Daniel Edd Bland III said...

Georgia Tech President, Bud Peterson, given a copy of "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" and asked to host debate on the Tech Campus between the founding Architect of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Richard Gage and anyone still supporting the "official" explanation.



I passed this site just after Christmas on my push bike. At first glance it appeared to be an ubiquitous portal frame. However the shining relfections from the frame signalled that it was different. The portal frame was not your normal hot rolled steel UB section but cold rolled. The type you usually see in those kit garages and barns, but this spans 20m!