31 May 2007


The model represents a corner of the warehouse. Inspired by Gehry to design a warehouse with higher aesthetics. The standard portal frame structure has been used as a prop for the metallic skin to flow and create a dynamic surface for the buildings exterior.

Curved UB 200 are braced by 100 EA attached to cleats welded at approx 2m centres. 100C purlins are fixed to cleats welded(glued) to the flange at 500mm centres to allow fixing og the sisalation, insulation, corrugated walling, plywood and finally the 550mm x 950mm (500mm x 900mm exposed) stainless steel panels.

30 May 2007


The Gehry inspired warehouse and showroom model was built with cardboard and balsa wood. The cuved section of the steel columns was cut first and the webs added at a later stage.

Gehry uses layers of corrugated walling topped with plywood prior to finishing with his trademark metallic skin of stainless steel or titanium. This layering has been represented in the model.
The curved columns are separate but braced from the main portal frame structure. Each column is well braced with 100mm equal angles formed in a cross.


The cold formed portal frame rafter is lighter than the hot rolled section. This enables the roof structure to lifted in place by a crane and therefore it can be assembled on the slab where labour costs and safety are advantageous.

MITRE 10 Anakie Road

This photo indicates a step between the steel walling and concrete panel lean to section. The UB column has a circular hollow section bracing tie. The UB and haunch are rigidly connected to the column. The raking parallel channel is fixed to the UB column. Both the column and the rafters are braced using rod fixed through the column and the rafter flanges.

The lean to roof rafters are connected to the main rafter via cleats welded to the UB flanges and boltes to the web of the vertical UB dropper which is welded at a mitre joint to the UB rafter. This is inturn braced to the roof via an angle.


Reece plumbing in North Geelong is a skillion type portal frame building where the roof pitches in one direction with a span of 15m - 20m.

The UB rafters are rigidly fixed to the columns using plates welded to the end of the rafter and bolted.

Diagonal rod bracing penetrate the web of the UB rafter and is tensioned by a bracket on the other side of the flange.

Lighter gauge C purlins fixed to cleats welded to the top flange of the UB rafter support safety mesh, sarking and the roofing.

Each of the columns is tied to each other using a Parallel Flange Channel PFC bolted to a cleat welded to the web of the column. This ensures that the portal frame is braced in both directions and beding moments are transfered to the bracing bay.

Equal angel fly bracing fixed to a cleat welded to the web of the UB rafter helps to stabilse the UB and prevent it from twisting mid point and aid in the longitudinal bracing of the portal frame.


The Melbourne Recital Centre is a 1000 seat theatre designed by Ashton Raggatt McDougal. The Steel and concrete construction is scheduled for completion in 2009. The main hall is constructed with a steel frame and clad with precast concrete panels.


Boral Parti Wall is a 25mm fire resistant plasterboard that is ideal for Multi Residential Timber Framed construction. Rather than a layer of 16mm firestop plasterboard on each stud wall a single 25mm layer in the cavity between two stud walls is used. The system has proven itself when a unit was set alight while under construction. The adjoining unit was saved from the fire.

The partiwall is slotted together rather than the traditional taped system.

25 May 2007


Deutsche Bank Place in Sydney designed by Foster and Partners with assistance from Hassell architects. The multi storey building was designed to cater for new work styles that are more dynamic and less hierarchical. Therefore a larger open plan was required.

The largest single span in Australia was created the floor plates are 21m x 64m. The view across the floor of the 1200m2 is apparently breathtaking.
Article courtesy of Architecture Australia JULY/AUGUST 2006

23 May 2007


The maquette model was used to develop the complex curved design. Only one model was made for the factory however Gehry makes numerous models before committing to CAD.


The layout of the site was drafted in AutoCAD. Sketch design overlays of the building were created and developed. Gehry tends to focus on the front of the building highlighting the entry with a large sign or tall flowing glass port cochere and creating a distinct front and back.

The showroom is the highlight of the facade however the flowing curved meld with the factory portal frame like a octupus spreading its tentacles.

A cardboard maquette at 1:500 scale was created to further develop the form.

The maquette was then scanned with a HP scanner so that the warehouse form could be drawn in AutoCAD.

18 May 2007


While the Bilbao Guggenhiem Museum is possibly Gehry's most notable work The Richard B. Fisher Center for the performing arts with its exposed steel work shows how a humble portal frame could evolve into work of architecture.


Frank Owen Gehry (Goldberg) was born in Toronto Canada 28.02.29 and moved to Los Angeles in 1947 where he studied Architecture at the University of Southern California and City Planning at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

His practice Gehry Partners based in L.A.has a staff of over 175. Gehry's work generally consists of flowing organic forms finished in a stainless steel or titanium skin. The work is sculptural however it has drawn criticism for not respecting the surrounding landscape.

The complex forms are modelled manually from Gehrys initial sketches. Numerous models are made before the final model is laser scanned and developed in a 3D package based on CATIA which Gehry has developed and now markets as digital project from the company Gehry Technologies.

Student licences of the digital project are available if university registers with Gehry Technologies !!!!


I passed this site just after Christmas on my push bike. At first glance it appeared to be an ubiquitous portal frame. However the shining relfections from the frame signalled that it was different. The portal frame was not your normal hot rolled steel UB section but cold rolled. The type you usually see in those kit garages and barns, but this spans 20m!