11 March 2007


The galvanised strap bracing is fixed at each end and tensioned with turnbuckles. However the bracing crosses over wihout the use of a compression device. A compression ring appears to be an uncommon practice from sites viewed using mild steel rod bracing.

1 comment:

SRT251_rob kuebler's blog said...

Hi Michael, You should also mention the safety mesh seen here.Strangely without insulation for it to support. Try to be a bit analytical in your comments. R.K.


I passed this site just after Christmas on my push bike. At first glance it appeared to be an ubiquitous portal frame. However the shining relfections from the frame signalled that it was different. The portal frame was not your normal hot rolled steel UB section but cold rolled. The type you usually see in those kit garages and barns, but this spans 20m!